SOUNDLogix Soundproof Underlayment

Elevate your spaces with the gold standard in sound management. SOUNDlogix Acoustic Underlayment ensures tranquillity while resonating with both quality and eco-consciousness. Whether you’re soundproofing a bustling office or a serene home, we provide the foundation for unparalleled acoustic comfort.


Boasting superior sound reduction properties, our underlayment stands tall in the acoustic industry. Competing impressively with other products, the SOUNDlogix range is a blend of performance and sustainability.

Product Features

Varied Thickness From 2mm to 12mm standard options, with custom thicknesses reaching up to 32mm.
Sound Reduction Metrics Extremely competitive STC, ICC and Delta IIC values due to the product design and mass.
Eco-Conscious Crafting Comprising 90% recycled material and a 10% polyurethane binder, our product is a testament to green innovation.

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SOUNDlogix ensures versatile applications, tailoring to varied acoustic needs.

  • Multi-Family Housing
  • Hotels
  • Commercial Buildings

Sound, Sustainability, and Sophistication

SOUNDlogix Acoustic Underlayment bridges the gap between silent serenity and sustainable living. Dive into a world where every step is cushioned, and every sound is mastered.